Art. 1 – Premises
The present conditions govern the use and registration to the website owned by Associazione Culturale Sportiva TFW – Corso di Porta Romana, 63 – 20122 Milan – Italy.
Art. 2 – Definitions
Conditions of Use and Registration to the Site: these conditions of use and registration to the Site.
Credentials: the email and password provided by the User at the time of Registration with the Registration Form and necessary to access the Profile and Services.
FoilingFilmFestival: Associazione Culturale Sportiva TFW – Corso di Porta Romana, 63 – 20122 Milan – Italy.
Registration Form: the format that Consumers must fill out electronically for Registration to the Site and use of the Services available at
Profile: the area reserved for Users with the functions indicated in the following paragraph [*].
Registration: the procedure for registering to the Site referred to in paragraph [*].
Services: the services offered by FoilingFilmFestival to Registered Users of the Site.
Site: the Internet portal accessible at and its subdomains. The Site means the web pages (individually and as a whole, both in their external appearance and in their internal content) under the domain, the layout and graphic content, html codes, layout and structure, organization, choice of content, coordination, look and feel, technologies and computer programs, processes and methods used to operate the Site and, in general, the Site’s constituent elements.
Users: registered and non-registered visitors to the Site.
Art. 3 – Use of the Site
3.1 – The User undertakes to use the Site and the Services in a lawful and fair manner, in compliance with all applicable legal provisions and with these Conditions of Use and Site Registration.
3.2 – The User undertakes to use the Site only for personal purposes and not for commercial, business or professional purposes.
3.3 – The User also undertakes not to: a) use software programs or other automatic or manual mechanisms to copy (including through framing or redirect procedures) the web pages of the Site or their contents; b) copy, reproduce, alter, modify or disclose the contents of the Site; c) use any mechanism, software or procedure that may interfere with the proper functioning of the Site.
Article 4 – Registration
4.1 – To use the Services, Users must register on the Site by filling in the Registration Form. Each User may only make use of one registration.
4.2 – In order to register on the Site, a Consumer who is 18 years of age or older must fill out the Registration Form, entering, among other things, his: a) first name; b) last name; c) date and place of birth; d) e-mail address; e) password.
4.3 – When filling in the Registration Form, the User must also: a) accept the Privacy Policy; b) give his/her consent to use the Newsletter Services.
4.4 – Registration will be confirmed by e-mail to the User who, in order to complete the Registration procedure, shall click on the appropriate link contained in the communication received.
4.5 – Registration allows the User to: a) receive at the e-mail address provided with the Registration Form information from FoilingFilmFestival, subject to the expression of appropriate consent with the Registration Form in accordance with letter b) of paragraph 4.3 above; c) access his/her Profile.
4.6 – Access to the Profile allows Users to consult (and, where applicable, modify) the following information: a) User’s data; b) preferences and specific data expressed and/or filled in following registration.
Art. 5 – Duration of Registration
5.1 – Registration to the Site is free of charge and for an indefinite period of time, without prejudice to FoilingFilmFestival’s right to stop providing the Services at any time and the User’s right to request the deletion of his Profile by sending the form on the Site to the email address or by using the dedicated procedure in the Profile.
5.2 – FoilingFilmFestival reserves the right to discontinue and suspend the User’s Profile at any time as well as to terminate the Services or access to the Site, either permanently or for a limited period of time, without any liability for it.
Art. 6 – User Data
6.1 – The User guarantees the veracity and completeness of the data provided with the Registration Form and undertakes to update them in a timely manner through the Profile.
6.2 – The User undertakes not to provide data or information that is incorrect, false, related to other parties or incomplete and is aware that any inaccuracies in the information provided could have damaging consequences for him/herself, for third parties and for FoilingFilmFestival.
6.3 – The data provided by the Consumer with the Registration Form will be processed by FoilingFilmFestival in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy.
Article 7 – Credentials
7.1 – At the end of the registration process, the User may access the Site by entering the e-mail and password provided with the Registration Form.
7.2 – The Credentials allow the User to access the Profile and the Services.
7.3 – The Credentials are secret and personal, non-transferable to third parties and must be used exclusively to access the Profile and the Services.
7.4 – The User shall take all measures to ensure the confidentiality and secrecy of his/her Credentials. The User shall therefore be responsible for any use made of the same. All activities carried out on the basis of the Credentials shall be indisputably attributed to the User who holds the Credentials.
7.5 – The User undertakes to promptly notify FoilingFilmFestival of any loss, theft, abusive or improper use of his/her Credentials or any other breach of security of which he/she becomes aware.
7.6 – The User undertakes to change his/her password immediately, using the procedure in the Profile, if he/she believes that the same has become known to unauthorized third parties.
7.7 – The User hereby undertakes to indemnify and hold FoilingFilmFestival harmless from any damage and prejudicial consequences arising directly or indirectly from the abusive or improper use of the Credentials.
Article 8 – Intellectual Property Rights and Links
8.1 – The Site and all materials and documents published on it, whatever their nature (for example, sound documents, videos, photographs, single images or sequences of moving images, drawings, etc.) are the full and exclusive property of FoilingFilmFestival.
8.2 – The trademarks, company names, logos, and in general the distinctive signs used on the Site are the full and exclusive property of FoilingFilmFestival, or its assignees, and protected under the relevant applicable laws. Any reproduction or use of them is prohibited.
8.3 – The websites that the User can access via links within the Site are the property of third parties and, therefore, outside the control of FoilingFilmFestival.
Article 9 – Disclaimer of guarantee and limitation of liability
9.1 – The Site is offered “as is”, in the state of fact and law in which it is found. FoilingFilmFestival does not guarantee and makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the Site and the Services.
9.2 – Access to and use of the Site and Services is under the sole responsibility and control of the User. Subject to the mandatory limits of the law, FoilingFilmFestival cannot be held liable for any damage caused by the use or non-use of the Site.
9.3 – FoilingFilmFestival does not guarantee in any way to the User that access to and use of the Site and Services will be continuous and uninterrupted, secure and error-free.
9.4 – Except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, FoilingFilmFestival shall not be liable for any damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use or inability to use the Site and/or Services. FoilingFilmFestival, in particular, cannot be held liable in the event of malfunctioning of the Site, including in the event of suspension and/or interruption of the Services, whether due to technical problems, force majeure or supervening impossibility, including in the case of fraudulent acts carried out by third parties.
9.5 – FoilingFilmFestival cannot be held responsible in any way for the content of the websites accessible through the links and in the manner described in paragraph 8.3 above.
Article 10 – Communications
10.1 – Any communications to the User will be sent by FoilingFilmFestival (and by the parties appointed by FoilingFilmFestival) to the e-mail address indicated by the Users in the Registration Form and, if necessary, subsequently updated pursuant to Article 6 above. Information and news may also be transmitted by display when accessing the Site using the Credentials.
Art. 11 – Applicable law and competent Court
11.1 – These Conditions, their application and the activities connected with Registration to the Site are governed by Italian law.
11.2 – The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any dispute relating to these Conditions, registration and use of the Site is Milan.